

How will AI affect live music shows?

I don't profess to know a lot about Artificial Intelligence in general and all it's possibilities and ramifications but apparently it is here to stay.  If this is good or bad, that's up for debate.  But how will AI affect bands playing in front of an audience? AI has...

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Bands and venues need to promote together

Here are a few observations about some conflicts between musicians and club owners which should not exist. We all know there are a lot of free and low paying gigs out there, but it usually has nothing to do with whether the economy is good or bad. One problem is that...

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New instruments need to be invented

I find it really strange that musical instruments have remained basically unchanged over many past decades.  Just look how much phones, automobiles, and a zillion other things have progressed, but musical instruments have not only remained unchanged, but it seems...

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Are more music acts using Yondr?

About five years ago we sent out a newsletter mentioning the invention of Yondr and we predicted that it would become increasingly more popular in the near future.  But has it? Jack White of the White Stripes, Alicia Keys, Guns N Roses, the Lumineers, Dave Chappelle...

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The ratio of male to female musicians

We've made some comments in the past about the huge percentage difference between male and female musicians playing in clubs, at weddings, festivals, parties, events, in short, anywhere live music is performed  But literally less than 5% of these bands contain a...

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Replies: Have gigs returned to pre-Covid levels?

We sent out an opinion survey a couple weeks ago asking  musicians if they thought that the amount of live gigs have increased or stayed the same now that Covid is finally over, or almost over.  Result:  About a third said it has increased, a third said it has stayed...

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Can music fests help club attendance?

I constantly read articles stating that since most musicians are making less money from their recorded music these days, more and more of them play at festivals. This applies to older established acts as well as fresh upcoming ones.  For decades, bands played live...

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Reply to the lack of female musicians

Our last blog focused on exploring the reasons behind the lack of female musicians playing in live bands.  You can read it here: We received some great feedback and usually we print a bunch of replies but guitarist Dylan Galvin...

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Where are all the female musicians?

We all know there are about the same number of males as females in the U.S. and in the entire world. But the ratio between performing male and female MUSICIANS is about thirty to one, and this ratio has stayed nearly the same since Musicians Contact started 53 years...

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Billy Joel at Musicians Contact office

Every so often I speak to a musician when the conversation turns to Billy Joel, and I wind up relating the time Billy was registered with us as a keyboardist seeking gigs, so here it is for everyone. It was way back in 1972, after Billy had moved to LA from New York....

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