
I don’t profess to know a lot about Artificial Intelligence in general and all it’s possibilities and ramifications but apparently it is here to stay.  If this is good or bad, that’s up for debate.  But how will AI affect bands playing in front of an audience?

AI has already changed the music industry in how music is created and distributed.  Similar to using holograms to portray past musical icons, I assume most AI ability will be applied to the larger concert venues, not smaller clubs, at least initially.

Using AI, concerts and festivals will become more interactive with the audience, hopefully making their experience more enjoyable.  For one, sound engineering will be improved immensely using AI’s capabilities.  Remember light shows from the 60’s?  AI will take them to a new level, changing projections to capture the mood of each song in the set.

And dig this:  AI can absorb data instantly by showing the levels of applause, (or lack of), and emotions generated from the audience directly to the band or performer.  So, no more having to “read” the audience to decide what the next song should be!

AI will most likely be able to provide the public with personalized info on upcoming concerts and events based on the user’s past favorite attendance.  This info will benefit both the performer and the paying customer because it will be tailored to fit exactly what each entity desires.  So the computer is making up your mind for you – nothing new – is there a problem here?

And I’m sure there will be whole new slew of lawsuits over the legalities of using music generated by AI.  Open the floodgates!

AI can already enable solo players to perform with a virtual band.  Eventually, AI might be used to compose music at live shows using immediate feedback from the audience.  What will a band look and sound like in 2035 or 2050?  Or will there be real humans playing at all?  Is it scary, or exciting, or both?  What do YOU think?  Let us know, we’ll publish replies in our next newsletter.