Join A Band
Find Drummer Jobs, Guitarist, Keys & Bass Gigs, Singer Jobs & More
How our service works 
- As a referral service, we’ve received work opportunities from bands and employers nationwide since 1969.
- Musicians looking for bands first fill out a profile, which can be edited anytime. Working bands browse profiles and contact you directly.
- Login frequently to view new jobs that only members can access, then contact your choices directly.
Types of jobs offered 
- Full time and part time working cover bands
- Paying and non-paying original material groups
- Club work, one-nighters, road tours, cruise ships, casuals, showcases, concerts, studio recording, etc.
What makes us different from other sources 
- We offer a much higher percentage of paying gigs and a more serious level of players and bands. Many members have registered multiple times.
- All bands fill out the same questionnaire, so ads are easier to read. We verify the accuracy of incoming jobs before posting them.
- We’ve been in business as a referral service longer than anyone, with full time customer help.
Membership plans 
- $49 for a 100 day membership. You may start and stop days within one year. (Example: After 20 days you find a job, so make your account inactive to save the remaining 80 days for later).
- $99 for a one year membership, (365 consecutive days).